Common Stair Repairs in Edinburgh

Common Stair Repairs

If you want to save yourself and your fellow residents from costly common stair repair in Edinburgh then get organised. Local councils like the City of Edinburgh want the law chaged to get flat owners to setup a compulsory common stair repair fund.

CEC shared repairs poster

For CEC advise on how to set up a Shared repair fund

For CEC step by step tenement repairs toolkit guide

Scottish Law Commission “Tenement law: compulsory owners’ associations” Link

Why is this happening ?

Due to the now abandoned Statutory Repair Notice system , properties are falling into disrepair and I suspect that the City of Edinburgh Council does not want to get involved in managing these works.

Why bother having a repair fund ?

Well basically it’s a good idea as my background is building maintenance and the old adage of “a stitch in time” really does work i.e. spend a £100 now and save yourself £1000 in the future.

What if we organise a stair maintenance fund ?

Basically, all good and well done as it’s more cost effective and if the owners contribute a small sum of money into the fund every month then when a repair is needed its no longer a  financial shock and you can fix it first time instead of patching it up on the cheap.

What if we don’t form a stair maintenance fund ?

I suspect the councils will get extra powers so that if a stair does not comply with a repair fund then they may want to force a Factor on a stair and the extra cost this incurs.

Is it not better and less hassle to get a Factor ?

Don’t get me wrong a Factor can be a good thing but you have to pay for this service. One example was that I had a landlord who asked me what was the cost of upgrading a stair light to LED. I said £145 each for your stair. She replied it cost us £200 via a Factor and we have to pay £50 a month Factors fee. Basically, a £145 job cost each owner £800

Remember a Factors management fee of £50 each a month in a stair of 9 is £5400 in total per annum.

Below are some links that you mind find helpful.

CEC shared repairs information website

Applying to CEC for tracing absent owners release of ownership

Stair lighting notification form

Common stair repairs in Edinburgh notification form.

Abandoned bikes notification form.

Shared Repairs in Edinburgh

Shared Repairs for flat owners in Edinburgh

CEC shared repairs poster

The City of Edinburgh Council (CEC) have realised that owners are having problems organising repairs to their communal areas. So, they have set up a help line to give free advice on this subject. You can contact them on 01315296778.

AEW created a contact details request form for stair lighting and the feedback from organisers has been good. They have highlighted that a generic form for shared repairs would be a great help so. I have created a form to aid and assist the organiser communicate with the stair in order to get the relevant contact information and they can inform the other residents what work is required.

For a copy of AEW generic shared repairs form

Update CEC wants to force flat owners to pay into a repair fund

As of the 20th of May 2019 The City of Edinburgh Council (CEC) will be giving evidence to a Scottish Parliament working group to overhaul the national rules. This could force tenement flat owners to pay into a common repair fund. My opinion is it would be more cost effective for the stair to organise these repairs on their own. Because of the previous problems with the old the old City of Edinburgh  Council Statutory Notice system. I can see CEC forcing a Factor on the stair to get repairs sorted. Basically a Statutory Notice system managed via a third party. This can work out more costly with regards to stair lights where the average individual bill of £20-£30 every couple of years if self organised or it could be £70-£80 every year not including the Factor’s management fees.

As a result with regards to shared repairs in Edinburgh it pays to be organised and have good communications.

Please check the Evening New/Scotsman report on this subject.
